Thursday, June 6, 2024

SPACE 2024 : everything for animal farming

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SPACE 2024 : everything for animal farming

SPACE 2024 : everything for animal farming

The themes of the next SPACE Expo, which will take place from September 17 to 19, 2024, confirms this positioning and ambition: 1,200 exhibitors will welcome nearly 100,000 visitors from over 120 countries to the Rennes Exhibition Centre.

These three days will be dedicated to the evolution of agriculture and animal  farming in all its diversity. The products presented by exhibitors, the numerous  conferences and debates, the events and presentations at the Espace for the  Future will provide practical solutions to important economic, climatic, societal and environmental issues.

SPACE also paves the way for the future by continuing to focus on the new  enerations, their projects and their interactions with working farmers. This is why  the organisers have emphasised this aspect of the exhibition, making the 38th Expo a symbol of a positive, ambitious and dynamic outlook: Empowering Generations: Let's invent the Future.
Exposants au SPACE

Exposants : a high level of participation from all sectors

SPACE will provide a very broad range of solutions on offer across all the sectors.  Nearly 1,100 businesses are registered, 327 of them international. 150 are new  exhibitors. These companies from all over the world will share their expertise and innovations to inspire and open up new perspectives for animal farming professionals.


The Innov’Space competition is what makes SPACE the leading event for innovation across all the animal farming sectors. Over the past 25 years, these  awards have been a real quality seal for the industry. They demonstrate  the extent to which our sectors are efficient, innovative and always thinking ahead.  In 2023, 37 products, services and equipment were awarded prizes by the panel of experts. The list of the 2024 prizewinners will be published in July.
Présentations animales au SPACE
The genetic showcase
SPACE is a genetic showcase of exceptional quality. This year, the Limousin  breed will be in the spotlight, for suckler cows on Tuesday 17 September. On Thursday 19 September the Prim’Holstein France Challenge will be held. In addition to these two key events, there will be a full programme of competitions  for a total of 13 different breeds, which will be paraded in the ring for non-stop excitement over the three days of the Expo.
Délégations internationales au SPACE
SPACE's international dimension is unique
The international dimension of SPACE is unique: one-third of exhibitors are  international firms, and visitors come from over 120 countries (12,000 international visitors from 122 countries in 2023). This high level of participation  makes Rennes  a global hub for business transactions and agricultural innovation.

The participation of international visitors at SPACE is crucial, given that two-  thirds of exhibitors are engaged in export activities. These businesses, who are  primarily interested in the animal nutrition and livestock equipment sectors, come to Rennes to find new partners and discover innovations, with the aim of contributing to food self-sufficiency in their home countries.

It's important to underscore that for all stakeholders engaged in livestock  production, SPACE stands as a premier event on the global stage. This  reputation also reflects the acknowledged expertise of livestock farmers in Western France and the organisations that support them in their activities.
Espace pour Demain
Empowering Generations: Let's invent the Future
The Espace for the Future will once again be a very helpful and inspiring area for SPACE visitors. Issues addressed will include income, working conditions and  working hours, organisational models, delegation, production systems and key skills. The theme of Espace for the Future this year is: Empowering Generations: 
Let's invent the Future.

Here, in Hall 3, specialists from the Chambers of Agriculture will be hosting  round tables and expert meetings to present technical solutions, share best practices and offer a vision of the future for livestock farmers and their employees.
Milky Ouest
Milky West: a trip to the land of dairy in Western France
SPACE is launching a web series called "Milky West: a trip to the land of dairy in Western France". The aim is to promote the dynamic and diverse dairy industry in Western France. 

53% of French dairy products from cows, goats and sheep are produced in Western France. With its various themes, this innovative series takes you to the heart of dairy production, underscoring its importance, its prospects and the key  players who shape it. There will be one Milky Ouest episode per month, the first  of which is already online. Each episode focuses on the day-today concerns of farmers, covering a wide range of topics such as herd health, nutrition, workforce management and genetics
The conference programme will be full and varied again this year based on the  room reservations. The extent of the topics covered makes SPACE an absolutely unique meeting place for the animal farming industry.
Tech’Agri Challenge by Innov’Space
The Tech'Agri Challenge by Innov'Space will be held for the second time,  following its successful launch last year. This competition brings together students from the agricultural and digital sectors to devise technical solutions that address real-world agricultural problems. The six solutions developed as part of the competition will be exhibited over the three days of the Expo.