L'aquaculture au SPACE

A programme dedicated to the aquaculture sector at SPACE
For several years, SPACE has been offering a programme dedicated aquaculture.
With the growing participation of companies from the sector (20% growth between 2019 and 2023), the Exhibition is continuing to expand in order to become a key event for French and international businesses in the aquaculture sector.

Moreover, this fast-growing sector is attracting a growing number of French and international visitors. Indeed, among the 12,125 international visitors who came to the Exhibition in 2023, 18% were interested in aquaculture (visitors from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Canada, the Netherlands, Italy, etc.).

Key figures for aquaculture at SPACE
• 20% increase in participating companies from the sector between 2019 and 2023.
• 18% of international visitors interested in aquaculture (in 2023).
• More than 100 exhibitors specialising in aquaculture (in 2023).


This year, in order to present a dedicated aquaculture offer that meets our visitors' expectations and highlights the exhibitors of the sector on an international level, SPACE implemented several actions:
The aquaculture itinerary includes more than 100 companies (click here to discover the list). They are identified with a specific aquaculture logo on their booths.
Animal nutrition, equipment, advice, research... the companies offer a wide range of solutions for this sector.
A visit to an aquaculture production site will be organised in the farm tours programme. 
The place and schedule will be published from May.
A day of aquaculture conferences will be held on Tuesday 17 September 2024. On the program: technical and commercial presentations, and exchanges with industry players.

Would you like to sponsor the 2024 aquaculture conference? Contact us!


Retrouvez le plateau de la SPACE TV de 2023 consacré à l'aquaculture :


The setting gave us an exceptional opportunity to get closer together. This day will remain engraved in gold letters in my career as a man of science, as it enabled me to discover other innovations in my field, which is extremely enriching, and for this, once again, I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers. Finally, I'm looking forward to SPACE 2024.

Jules LWAMBA BALIMWACHA Ministre honoraire de l'Agriculture et Elevage, Prov. Tanganyika - RDC
Our participation in this conference has enabled us to raise our profile, particularly in the aquaculture sector where we had little presence in the past. 
It also enabled us to re-launch some dormant projects via people who were present at the conference. 
Finally, it was also an opportunity for us to (re)forge links with certain players in the field, both nationally and internationally.
Siméon FAGNON Phytosynthèse France
Eurofish is working in the area of fisheries and aquaculture, so this sector was in the focus of my interest.
I found presentations during the conference informative and interesting, and for me as a presenter, it provided an excellent opportunity to interact with producers and service providers of the area and extend the network of Eurofish. Also, I see a solid potential to further increase the involvement of aquaculture in the Exhibition.
Eva KOVACS Eurofish, Denmark


Contact Stéphanie PILLET:
02 23 48 28 94